Our mission
is to breed
companion dogs and breeding dogs who contribute to the bloodlines of the Kai Ken breed. We focus on temperament and the conformation standards of the Kai Ken Aigokai. We seek to educate the public about these wonderful dogs, communicate with other Kai Ken owners, and to sell puppies to approved homes on an occasional basis.
About our dogs
Prior to breeding, our sires and dams must pass the following health tests:
- Blood panels (complete)
- CAER eye test
- DNA screening
- OFA hips and elbows
- OFA patella exam
- Temperament screening
- Thyroid panels (complete)
Our adult dogs are Canine Good Citizens. They participate at Riley Creek Elementary School as part of the Riley’s Readers program, where children gain literacy skills by reading aloud to dogs. Our puppies are raised in a home environment with careful handling and socialization. We feed our dogs a modified raw foods/high quality kibble with appropriate supplements. We do minimal core vaccines and natural parasite control.
Our dogs are registered with the following organizations.
- American Kennel Club / Foundation stock service (AKC/FSS)
- Kai Ken Aigokai (KKA) only our Japanese born dogs are registered here).
- United Kennel Club (UKC)

About us
HelloKennel is a small, kennel on the south coast of Oregon. We currently have four Kai Kens, who live with us in our house and experience extensive socialization in our community. We live on a two and a half acre property, with many herbs for the dogs to graze on and lots of interesting things to explore. More