Adult dogs
our sire, Akashi (Tenrou No Wakajishi) is an eight year old import male from Tenrou Kensha (kennel) in Japan. He was given to us by Brad and Jen Anderson of Yamabushi kennel in 2015. We will be forever grateful for their generosity. He has a lovely disposition and beautiful conformation and movement. His coat is thick and his tail is a thing of wonder. He passes these traits on to his offspring.
Akashi became a canine good citizen two years ago, and has sired three litters with us. Akashi is registered with the Kai Ken Aigokai (KKA), the American Kennel Club foundation stock service, and with the United Kennel Club.
at Stone Lagoon

Our dams
Yako (Koroukan Komachihime) is a Chu-tora (medium brindle) female. She is active and intelligent, wants to please, and has a gentle temperament. Yako is more reserved than our other dogs but warms up quickly, especially with children.
Yako's conformation reflects her keen hunting instincts. She is tall and elegant, with a slender build– her head is her best feature. Her gait is very nice.
Yako is born at Koroukan kennel, one of Japan's oldest hunting kennels. She comes to us by way of Brad and Jen at Yamabushi Kennel, and we are very lucky to have her.

Yako is unrelated to any Kai Ken in America and will be a valuable contribution to genetic diversity.
Initial capital image credit: Rachel Picard

coming next is Momo (Hello No Momo No Hana), forever the clown. She loves children. A black brindle female, Momo comes from our kennel– Akashi and Hello Kitty are her parents.
Momo has her father’s easygoing temperament and her mothers’s feminine good looks. She has the most relaxed manner of any Kai Ken I’ve known, besides her father. Her coat is lush and thick.

an honorary kai ken

as a puppy

Momo whelped a litter of her own
(her first)
in the summer of 2018.

Kitty (Ch. Classy Hello Kitty Golightly) is our foundation bitch. Kitty a six year old Aka Tora (red brindle, the rarest of kai markings). A product of import and American lines, Kitty has an excellent conformation and steady temperament. She was a very good mother to her three litters. She is a lively dog with a great sense of humour. While now retired from breeding, she retains a firm grasp on day to day operations at Hello Kennel. Kitty’s dam is a UKC champion whose sire and dam hail from Japan. Kitty herself is a UKC champion, a title earned at the 2013 Premier Show. She has passed an eye test administered by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, and appears in the OFA eye clearance database.